(7536) Mon 30 Sep 91 21:38 By: Larry Elliston To: All Re: PAF colors Making the Colors in PAF 2.2 Permanent Larry Elliston, PAF Support Orange County California Genealogical Society Orange California Regional FHC One of the most frustrating things about PAF for me has been that when I want to make a simple permanent change in the PAF configuration, is having to reset the colors each time (i.e., when I had to experiment with the printer time-out value). The following instructions will alleviate this problem. (PAF support in SLC has indicated they are working on this one for a future maintenance release.) 1. Start the program in the usual manner by typing "PAF" . Select 1. Family Records from the Access Menu. 2. Select A. Utilities, then 4. Temporarily Change Configuration. 3. Move the cursor to the Screen Color section of the first page. Experiment with the colors until you are happy with the color combinations. (Press F3 to test the colors.) 4. Write the code numbers for the colors below. Characters Background Normal __________ __________ Bold __________ __________ Reverse __________ __________ Help __________ __________ 5. Press F2, F2, 0, 0, . You should now be at the Access Menu. 6. Select 5. Configure Programs. 7. Select 8. Create/Modify Computer Entry. Answer the 3 questions that follow. Next is the menu for Computer Set-up. 8. Select 3. Modify Codes for an Existing Computer. Select whichever is appropriate for you. These instructions assume you have selected 1. IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or Fully Compatible. 9. Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen using either the cursor keys or by pressing enter. Be careful not to change any of the default entries. 10. Refer to the notes you made previously in Temporarily Change Configuration and enter the appropriate codes in the proper location. 11. When finished, a question will appear, "Do you want to print the current key assignments?" Unless you desire to make changes in the way the keyboard functions, answer No. 12. If you do want to make such changes, you may do so now, otherwise, press 0. 13. You should now be at the Access Menu. Select 2. Select a Computer From List. Select the computer you just modified. 14. Again, you should be at the Access Menu. Select 5. Continue with Configuration. 15. Select your printer. 16a. If this is a first-time installation, make any changes to the defaults on this screen, press F1 to continue, make the appropriate changes on the next screen and then save by pressing F1. 16b. If you have previously installed PAF and are only making changes to the default colors, you may now press F1, F1. 17. Update the various PAF programs (CONFIG, FR, RDF, FRCHK, GIE, Convert, FRU, RS, FRED, HQ) as appropriate. If you keep the Research Data Filer (RDF) data files in a separate subdirectory, answer No when prompted to update RDF. When CONFIG asks if you want to update any other programs answer No. CONFIG will then ask if you want to quit. Answer No. You will then be returned to the first configuration screen. Make the appropriate change to the field requesting the location of the data files. Enter the full drive and path to the location of the RDF data files. Press F1, F1. CONFIG will then ask if you want to update the same programs as before. Answer No to all of the prompts except RDF, until CONFIG asks if you want to quit. Answer Yes. All Done.